jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015


Hi!! my name is Daniel and my friend is Noriyuki. we are  student. we have been in Trujillo.It´s very fanstastic and beatiful.

first of all, we traveled by bus . the bus ticket was 20 soles. it was very cheap.when we arrived, we went to the beach "huanchaco". it was very clear. In this beach we have caught fish and gone a museum.


After that, we have gone to an archaeological ruins  "la huanca de los arco iris", "la huaca de la luna"and "chan chan"It is the largest of the other archaelogical ruins .To get to this place you go by taxi because this a bit far .The cost the ticket for the three places was 10 soles.


 it is very cheap

Finally, we visited the parade ground of trujillo where we have seen the dance "marinera".that was really elegant.
It was a good experience for our life.
I recommend visit this place with you family or friends.

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